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Bridge Unit 131 Board of Directors Meeting Summary

May 8th, 2020 on ZOOM

Participants: Bar Kaelter, Becky Walker, Richard Jones, Rajeev Bansal, Stan Coons, Max McGinn, Tom Cranshaw, Randy Klein, Tory Billard, Aline Zimmer, Alan Hieresman, Vicki Muir, Beth Malone, Hong Chen, Susan Urich, Norman Kahn

The meeting was called to order at 4 PM by Bar.

Minutes of prior meeting:

The minutes of February 13th and March 30th meetings were accepted with no changes.


Congratulations to the newly elected board members.

• President – Bar Kaelter

• 1st Vice President – Becky Walker

• 2nd Vice President – Richard Jones

• Secretary – Wynne Begun

• Treasurer – Rajeev Bansal

• Members-at-large

o Stan Coons

o Vicki Muir

o Hong Chen

o Beth Malone

o Susan Urich

Wynne has resigned as secretary and Becky Walker has asked to be relieved of her board duties for a year. Becky still will remain on the board. A motion was proposed to fill these positions: Tom Cranshaw as 1st Vice President and Beth Malone as Secretary. The motion passed with Rajeev and Susan abstaining.

A motion to fill the ‘at large’ positions created by Tom and Beth was proposed. Jeanie Brown and Maggie Frick tied for votes during the election. So, they should fill the 2 ‘at large’ positions. The motion passed with Rajeev and Susan voting no.

Tournaments, Richard & Alan:

August 28th-30th Sectional: There was a unanimous vote to cancel the sectional due to the COVID 19 attendance limitations in the greater Kansas City area and the state of Kansas.

October 23-25 Sectional: There was an agreement to hold off making the decision to cancel or hold this tournament until August 1st.

Holiday Regional: After much discussion, a motion passed unanimously that Richard and Alan will meet with the Sheraton people to discuss reducing the amount due if this tournament is canceled and how long can we wait to cancel it, if necessary. Right now, if we cancel by June 23rd, we will owe $27,886.

Unit Finances:

Rajeev reported that he has not yet met with Jim Dorman to transition into this position.

E-Newsletter & Declarer - Aline:

It was agreed to postpone the June newsletter as there is not much to report.

Tom agreed to coordinate the member spotlight for those who were deceased this past year, for inclusion in the declarer, website and at tournament announcements. Aline will send Tom a list of names that Rajeev sent her. Tom will ask all board members to submit any information that they may have of the deceased and to add to the list if any were accidentally omitted.


Nothing to report but the board was reminded that follow up is required to complete and distribute the directory in July. The current directories are outdated and no longer available.

Unfinished Business:

The following discussions were tabled –

• Contacting the local ABA unit – Tom is lead

• Visiting other Unit 131 clubs – the board

• Growing Unit 131 membership – Robert, Bar & Norm

New business - Bar:

1. The board needed to appoint an executive committee. A motion to elect the current President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Treasurer and Becky was passed unanimously.

2. We need volunteers for the ACBL Charity and Goodwill Committees. The person needs to be able to attend the National Tournament.

Next meeting: The Board determined that the next meeting of the Board will be held Monday, August 3rd at 4 PM, either in person, if possible, or by Zoom.

Respectfully Submitted,

Beth Malone, Unit 131 Secretary


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